Monday, March 5, 2012

Pandits Warn Agitation

Kashmiri Pandits warn agitation against further delay in passage of Shrines Bill

Peeved over Government’s delaying tactics on passage of Kashmiri Hindu Shrines and Temples Bill, Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) today warned to launch a forceful agitation for fulfillment of the demand.

The decision was taken in a meeting of representatives of various KP organizations here. The meeting was organized by Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust, which has launched the movement in this regard for last one year.

The meeting was presided over by Roshan Lal Raina, ex director Horticulture and Yash Bhasin Founder Trustee Pt Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust, was special invitee on the occasion.

The speakers, while expressing their dismay over the Government’s negative attitude towards the demand said that the promises made from time to time during last over one decade by successive Governments have proved totally hollow. This has generated a lot of resentment among the community, they added.

They said the passage of Shrines Bill could prove a major Confidence Building Measure (CBM) among the community, which has been hounded out from Valley over 22 years back. But the Government’s stoic silence over the issue indicates that those at the helm of affairs are not interested in protecting the ancient cultural heritage of the Valley which dates back over to 5000 year old rich culture and civilization, they added.

To protest against the Government’s callousness the meeting in one voice decided to hold a protest on March 11, which will be followed by series of agitational programmes by the community.

The representatives of AIKS, JKVM, Panun Kashmir, ASKPC, K P Sabha, KHC, Prabandhak Committee Anantnag, SSK, Prabandhak Committee Kheer Bhawani Manzgam, Migrant Cell NC, BJP Migrant Cell, Geeta Satsang Ashram, KPC and JKNM participated in the meeting.

The meeting said sentiments of Pandits all over the globe are attached with their religious shrines in Valley and any delay in the passage of the Bill will send a wrong signal among the community.

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